Love In Heaven
One of the wonders of heaven is that we will have an increased capacity for love. Couples will be many times more in love with each other than they ever were on earth. In comparison, their earthly love will seem as tame as a ‘romance’ between five-year-olds. And yet the astounding thing is that everyone else in heaven will thrill this former couple as utterly as they thrill each other. Everyone will be so head-over-heels in love with everyone else as to render unthinkable an exclusive relationship such as marriage.
In heaven you will have unbelievable closeness with people of both genders. Everyone will beam with delight to see you. No one will be the slightest reserved, shy, snobbish or prejudiced. You will feel connected, understood and accepted like no one on earth has ever experienced. The warmth, intimacy and depth of eternal relationships will be literally out of this world. It is my conviction that the mental clarity we will enjoy means no one will ever be tongue-tied or left groping for words. This, combined with increased understanding, emotional wholeness, transparent honesty and divine love will make deep, intimate communication effortless. Heavenly relationships will be so much more fulfilling than earthly ones that for anyone in heaven to want marriage would be like an adult wanting a pacifier.
Heaven will be the place where dreams come true – where the honeymoon never ends and where people are more exciting and loving and perfect than we dare hope. And that’s just each other. The joy we will find in Jesus is indescribable.